• What are Mycorrhizae for trees.

    What are Mycorrhizae. The term mycorrhiza (plural mycorrhizae) is rather like the term “marriage”. It describes an association, a relationship. If both parties to the relationship are compatible, and conditions suitable, they will both benefit. Otherwise, the relationship is of no benefit to either and it ceases. One party to this relationship is your tree; the other is a microscopic beneficial fungus. The fungus forms a sheath-like structure at the root tips through which it passes to the tree various nutrients it has gathered from the soil in exchange for food the tree has produced through photosynthesis (remember, fungi are not able to produce their own food in this way).…

  • Nyt bonsaiværktøj i høj kvalitet

    Nyt bonsaiværktøjærktøj kommer på lager sidst i januar håber vi. Hvis vi når at få dem hjem, kommer de med til Noelanders Trophy i Belgien den 4.-5. Februar 2017.  Pris 880,00 kr. Ellers er de til salg i butikken så snart de er hjemme. Forhåndsbetilling på e-mail.  NEW Heavy Duty Masters Stainless Bonsai Shears in Bamboo Box – designed by Robert Steven.

  • Bonsai Værkstedets webshop

      På siden her finder du en oversigt over hvad Bonsai Værkstedet tilbyder af forskellige varer og de aktiviteter vi afholder. Her publicerer vi nyheder om nye varer, tilbud m.m. På webshoppen kan du bestille varene online, og vi sender dem direkte. Du er altid velkommen til at ringe eller skrive en mail, hvis du har spørgsmål. Du er naturligvis også altid velkommen i vores butik og bonsaigård. On this site you find an overview of our offers and activities. Here we publish news and sales, and are presenting new items. On the webshop you can order your goods online and we deliver them by postal office. You are, of…

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